Electrical Diagnostic Testing of Power Transformers

24 mars 2024
États-Unis (Houston)
TESTRANO 600, Primary Test Manager (PTM), FRANEO 800, Famille de produit CPC


Transformers are the largest, most expensive, and highly critical components of most utility substations.  To ensure a long, useful service life, it is critical that a power transformer and its ancillary components are tested regularly for incipient fault modes.

The training participants will learn how to perform and assess many of the conventional electrical diagnostic tests recommended for power transformers.  The training focuses on the diagnostic testing that can, and should, be performed during regular maintenance intervals, to ensure that the transformer is in good condition, and can continue its in-service duty with minimal risk.


  • Introduce the key components of a power transformer (core, insulation, windings, bushings, tap changer)
  • Discuss the theory and application of many industry accepted, widely used electrical diagnostic tests
  • Learn how to analyse the measurement results to properly assess the condition of a power transformer
  • Learn to safely and efficiently operate the software and test equipment to obtain the correct measurements
  • Discuss the most common mistakes that users make in the field


  • Overall Power Factor
  • Bushing Power Factor (C1, C2, and Energized Collar)
  • Surge Arrester Watt Losses
  • Exciting Current
  • Turns-Ratio (TTR)
  • Leakage Reactance (Short-Circuit Impedance)
  • DC Winding Resistance
  • Core Demagnetization
  • Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA)


1 day


Test technicians, maintenance engineers, engineering managers


Basic knowledge of power transformers


CPC 100, CP SB1
Primary Test Manager (PTM)

par personne, hors taxes

„Je suis une personne pratique et c’est vraiment bénéfique pour moi de faire cela, de voir l’équipement de test en fonction et d’analyser les résultats, c’est formidable !“

Commentaire de participant

Profitez d’un mélange efficace de présentations des équipements, de connaissances théoriques et de tests pratiques.

Méthodes de formation efficaces

Vos applications particulières sont discutées pendant la formation. Les participants pourront poser les questions propres à leurs 


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